


2. Newsletter of the funding measure "MachWas" November 2018

The second newsletter informs about the latest news from MachWas.

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MachWas conference of the funding measure "MachWas" 29.-30. May 2018

The conference of the funding measure "Materials for a sustainable water management - MachWas" was held on 29.-30. May 2018 in the DECHEMA house in in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. During this public event the 13 collaborative projects presented their current results and developments.

presentations and posters... (in German)


Brochure of the funding measure "MachWas" May 2018

The brochure presents the contents and targets of the 13 collaborative projects and the network and transfer project of the funding measure "MachWas" and it provides an overview of current results and developments.

download... (in German)


1. Newsletter of the funding measure "MachWas" March 2018

The newsletter informs about the latest developments in the "MachWas" funding measure and the thirteen collaborative projects.

download... (in German)


Flyer of the funding measure "MachWas" October 2017

The flyer provides a comprehensive overview of the funding measure "MachWas" in general and its funding priorities.

download... (in German)

download... (in Englisch)


Save the Date Flyer for the "MachWas-Conference" October 2017 

The flyer contains information about the MachWas conference.

 download... (in German)


1. Status seminar of the funding measure "MachWas" 25.-26. April 2017  

The first status seminar of the funding measure "MachWas - Materials for a sustainable water management" was held on 25-26 April 2017 in the DECHEMA house in Frankfurt am Main. Thirteen collaborative projects were presented on this occasion. The presentations of the event can be found at the following link: 

presentations and posters... (in German)




17th Aachener Membran Kolloquium

The project MABMEM with the title "MABMEM - a material toolbox for the modification of ultrafiltration membranes" was presented by Dr. Oliver Gronwald.

conference program...



Press reviews


Press release on the start of the project "ZeroTrace" (in German) 8. March 2017

Nachhaltige Aktivkohleverfahren zur Entfernung von Mikroschadstoffen aus Abwasser

Um Mikroschadstoffe wie Arzneimittelrückstände aus Abwasser zu eliminieren, kommt in Kläranlagen häufig Aktivkohle zum Einsatz, die meist aus fossiler Steinkohle hergestellt wird. Im Verbundprojekt »ZeroTrace« will Fraunhofer UMSICHT nun Adsorptionsmaterialien aus nachwachsenden Ausgangsstoffen entwickeln, die ortsnah regeneriert werden und in kommunalen und industriellen Kläranlagen implementiert werden können. Das Projekt ist im Februar offiziell mit einem Auftakttreffen der sieben Projektpartner an der Kläranlage Wuppertal-Buchenhofen gestartet.

read more... (in German)




Film report on the subject microplastic and the work in the "OEMP" project 21. October 2017 

The film "Unterwegs mit Plastikjägern" ("On the road with plastic hunters") by the rbb accompanies, among others, Mr. Venghaus and his team during their work on the subject of microplastic particles from tire abrasion in the "OEMP" project.

to the film...